Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 5-Aveiro

Janderson and Sarah inviting this lady to the church service.  Sarah bravely does the invite in Portuguese.  Through God's strength, we were bold and went out of our comfort zone to proclaim His Word.

Olivia, Janderson, and Robson invite more people for the church service that evening.

Even though I didn't take many pictures in this town, no one on the trip will ever forget Aveiro.  As we were walking down the streets inviting locals to the church service, we took a wrong turn and "accidentally" came to this hospital.  We asked if we could come in and pray for the patients there.  After a long pause, the head nurse came back and agreed that we could.  We had a couple of patients and relatives who were with them who gave their lives to Christ.  There were many patients who simply wanted prayers.

This patient above was different.  She could not voice her petition to us, for she was only but an infant.  She whimpered and cried with what little strength was left in her.  The nurse had told us that this baby girl had only but a couple of days to live.  They could do nothing for her, even the doctors in the bigger towns could no longer do anything for her.  It would take a miracle for her to be saved.  The Mom was fatigued, hopeless, and burdened in seeing her child pass away right before her eyes.  The stillness was there,  words of encouragement were at this point hollow.  We did what was in our hearts- we cried out to our Lord, Jehova Rapha, and asked Jesus to intercede and heal this baby if it was His will.  We layed our hands on the Mom and precious baby girl and prayed over them. I can't say we experienced some immediate divine power and saw the baby healed in front of our eyes.  We left the hospital, crying- devastated-thankful for God's blessing in our own lives.  We left the hospital knowing that it was in God's hands.  Weeks after we returned from the trip, the Mom contacted Junior's family and she wanted us to know that her baby girl survived and she would be waiting for us when we return to celebrate her daughter's life.  Glory be not to us, but to HIM!!!!!


One thing that kept surprising me was the interest by moms to have the cross necklace we made at VBS.  Not because it was a piece of jewelry but because they were interested in knowing more about God. 

Bubbles! Kids were always mesmerized by them. 

Coloring books and crayons! Must haves for our next trip. 

Parachute- always a favorite, never gets old!

Soccer game.  After the game, we gave our testimony and invited each person to attend the church service that evening.

By the end of the service, not a seat was left.  Many youth males came, some were bold to come into the church but many others stayed right outside the door, wanting to hear God's Word.

Momma C doing some preachin'- her message was a blessing to all of us!

Trophies were awarded to the kayak winners.  Dovao, John, Mr. Wagner, and Grace do the honors.
The purpose in doing sports clinics is that it is a way to share the good news.  This young man not only won the kayak competition and received a trophy but he also received the best prize of all after he received Christ in his life.  Pastor Expedito walks him through in receiving Jesus.

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