Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 4- Fordlandia
Fordhlandia is a remote town that was inhabited by Americans because of  Ford Henry.  This town grew trees that helped produced rubber, hence Henry became interested.  You can see the influence USA had on the architect and layout of the town.  It was one of my favorite places we went to, and a place we where we certainly saw people so open and receptive to hearing God's Word.

Getting the kayaks ready for the kayak clinic and competition.
Many vacant factories.

John is happily helping getting the kayak events ready to go!
Look beyond the bus.  What an amazing view of the tributary.  Just beautiful.

Another public school opening its doors for us to hold VBS during school hours!  Amen.

Children loved taking pictures. 

Sarah, Sarah, and Jennefer introduce the Eball (evangelism ball).  It is color coded to facilitate telling the story of Jesus.

Praising the Lord through learning of songs.

Even the teachers were excited to learn!

The boys leading worship.
This boy learned all the colors of the ball and the symbolism behind the colors.  He earned a mini Eball.  Later that day as we did door-to-door evangelism, this boy's Mom said he wouldn't let go of it all day.  He was so proud of this Eball.  We were more proud that he will know Jesus' story!
Olivia.  Her joy is contagious.  Her love for our Lord- so evident.

Noland is helping attach VBS cross necklace.

Michael having fun with the boys!

The views!  Can you imagine playing soccer with this as a background?  We had a team play against our Covenant Christian High School team.

On the other side of the field you can see the water. Beautiful view.  Our team exchanged shirts after the game and made personal invitations to our competitors in attending church service that evening. 
In the evening, we held a service.  The service was well attended.  We led worship and John preached that night.  After Sarah B. gave her testimony, people came up and accepted Christ as their Savior . Amen.

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