Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 1-Arriving in Satarem, Para
Our strong men creating an assembly line
to unload our luggage and board our boat.

Home sweet home!  La Natureza, this is where we spent many blessed days!

Leaving Santarem.

Our captain and co-captain Junior?

Poor man, the tributary was just not big for both us.  Right after this picture, the man realized just how tight of a fit it was and played it safe by jumping out of his boat.

Here we are, our first villages.  We landed in Moaca Village.  The children were eagerly waiting for us.  They kept running up and coming down the steps with more kids as they gathered the other children at the top of the hill.  A couple of nearby villages came together as we held our first VBS and friendly soccer game.  The villages welcomed us with folkloric dancing.

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